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maj 2024

Hjälte (hee-ro) substantiv, plural Hjältar – en person som enligt andras åsikt har särskilda prestationer, förmågor eller personliga egenskaper och ses som en förebild.

Knud Erik Nielsen
Hojbjerg, Denmark

In his 30 years with the company, Knud Erik has brought tremendous value to the Denmark plant, and the pride that he takes in his work is evident. A great example of this is that he makes sure that we sort our waste in order to maintain compliance with new legislation. He has also taken care of the outdoor areas, which was especially challenging with the unusually high levels of snowfall this past winter. From foam converting to driving a truck, his commitment to excellence and continuous improvement has added value in every role that he has taken on at Carpenter. His high spirits, smiles and support are just a few more reasons we are grateful to have Knud Erik on our team. Thank you, Knud Erik!

Darryl Hunts

Darryl Hunts has worked at the Tupelo plant for seven years, and in that time, he has been an excellent example of continuous improvement. He has spent the majority of his time with Carpenter on the bun dock, where he has progressed from loader to billing clerk to lead person. When he started, he worked in a team of three people, but Darryl now handles all first shift shipments himself. Recently, Darryl also began picking up hydraulic squeeze loads. He is an excellent manager of his orders; the Value of Order is evident in his work area. He routinely goes above and beyond to ensure all orders go out the door on time and is quick to help anyone in need. Darryl’s commitment to his work is on display daily. Thank you, Darryl!

Marlene Wullschleger and Giorgia Supino
Wolfhausen, Switzerland

Marlene and Giorgia are Carpenter Heroes for stepping up to handle customer service for an extended period. They navigated stressful situations with poise and class, and they were able to find solutions to every problem that came at them. They exemplified the pride in work that we value so highly at Carpenter, and the customers they helped were the recipients of their high-quality service. Thank you, Marlene and Giorgia, for your willingness to take on new tasks and showing pride in your work. We are thankful to have you as a part of our team!

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